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Canberra .NET User Group

You are cordially invited to the JANUARY meetings of the Canberra .NET Developers User Group.

The lunch time meeting is being held on MONDAY 19th January from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.

The evening meeting is being held on MONDAY 19th January from 4.30pm to 6pm.


Lunch Time Location:
King O'Malley's Irish Pub
131 City Walk
Canberra City

Evening Location:
Microsoft Canberra Branch
Walter Turnbull Building
Level 2, 44 Sydney Ave
Barton ACT

TO BOOK (so we get the catering right), reply to this email or send an email to 48656c656e4d6f6f7265407373772e636f6d2e6175 . Please specify that you'd like to attend the evening or lunch time user group session.

For further information about the user group, such as past presentation/samples, or to subscribe/unsubscribe to the mailing list, email 48656c656e4d6f6f7265407373772e636f6d2e6175 .

You can also visit the Canberra .NET User Group on Facebook or on LinkedIn.
Facebook Group LinkedIn

Kind Regards,
Helen Moore, on behalf of Adam Cogan
P: 02 9953 3000
F: 02 9953 3105