The major energy provider in Australia
Ausgrid (previously known as Energy Australia) is the major energy provider in Australia. They approached SSW wanting to simplify their vastly complicated (and paper based) rostering and overtime allocation systems for their workers.

After speccing out the skeleton of the required solution with the business stake holders, SSW went to work on a very iterative approach to ensure Ausgrid got exactly what they needed. Using the Scrum development methodology, we continued speccing throughout the lifetime of the project, adding more requirements as they became apparent. This has led to the final application perfectly matching their business needs, including administrative, User Interface, and reporting aspects.
This is a web application built on top of ASP.NET 4.0, Silverlight, and SQL Server 2008 R2 with Reporting Services.
The application was deployed to the Ausgrid servers in late 2011 and is now in use by their staff. This is saving many man hours daily and causing far fewer user errors.