SSW Mini Update - Tech Breakfast - C++ and Visual Studio Dev 11: Modern, Readable, Fast, Safe
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Tech Breakfast


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Tech Breakfast - C++ and Visual Studio Dev 11: Modern, Readable, Fast, Safe
Cost: FREE


C++, both the language and the libraries that come with every compiler, is defined by an ISO standard. The latest version of the standard, generally known as C++ 11 after its approval last fall, was optimistically called C++0x throughout the multi-year process that let to its adoption. Many of the language changes (new keywords, new punctuation, new rules) and library changes (genuinely smart pointers, threading, and more) have already been implemented by vendors who were following the standards process closely.

In this session Kate will introduce and demonstrate many of the highlights of C++11 including lambdas, auto, shared_ptr, and unique_ptr. These are all supported in Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2010. You can see how to make your code more readable and expressive, easier to update, more correct (less bugs and memory leaks) and faster, not by trading off among those possible constraints but by adopting modern C++ which gives you improvements in all four areas at once. If you’ve been ignoring the Standard Library, for example, you must see how lambdas make all the difference and open a world of productivity to you. You’ll also see that the next version of Visual Studio has even more C++11 goodness including range-based for.

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SSW Update

December 2010


Due to the tremendous growth that our business has experienced over the last few months, we are seeking enthusiastic people to join the SSW team.

We are currently strongly looking for a Marketing and Social Networking Manager.

We are also currently looking for:

  • Marketing and Social Networking Manager
  • ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, OLAP, SharePoint Software Developer
  • Technical BDM in Melbourne, Brisbane, or Canberra
  • IT Senior Marketing Consultant (part-time)
  • Project Manager

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