Do you make your data-driven pages easier to find?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Google crawls data-driven websites. There are a few considerations when it comes to optimizing a data-driven website. The best way to get your database-driven website crawled by Google is to have an index of your dynamic pages so that the Google bots have a singular point of reference to your dynamic pages. It's a slow process, but it will be well worth it.

Take a look at how we tackle this issue. We have a knowledge base with hundreds of pages and we list them all here on our Knowledge Database index page. We know that Google has crawled them because it shows up on Google results. We applied a sitemap.

Figure: It is hard for search engines to know which option from the drop down field they should go into. Here we add a link to our Knowledge Base Index

Figure: By default the dynamic pages behind this page would be invisible to Google. You need to provide a link that will make them visible to Google

Adam Cogan
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