Looking for some serious hands-on advanced developer training?

The SSW Big Tech Breakfasts are intensive, in-depth, hands-on sessions enabling you to master the finer details of .NET technologies and return to work with knowledge of how to create impressive, robust applications.

The sessions are led by industry leader Adam Cogan, Microsoft Regional Director. Check out what's coming up and register today - be quick, there is a limit of 15 delegates per seminar and numbers fill up fast!

Planning and Managing Your Smooth Migration from Access to SQL Server

2nd May 2003 - 8am - 12.30pm

When Access mdb's hit their limit of scalability, corrupting too often and unable to handle the number of concurrent users, it's time to upsize to SQL Server. But upsizing your application involves a lot more than running the Upsizing Wizard... This session will demonstrate what changes to make to your application before running the Upsizing Wizard and what to do after. You will be walked through development tools, application interface changes, query design and stored procedures to bring scalability for more users.

Building Advanced Data-Centric WinForm Clients with Data Binding

23rd May 2003 - 8am - 12.30pm

Get techniques for performing data validation, dirty' record recognition logic, and many other routine capabilities of data applications, with minimal code. See the end result: a set of tools and techniques that allow a typical data maintenance program to be created in just a few minutes, and also allow it to be extended and improved for a specific application.

For more information go to /ssw/Events/SSWTechBreakfast.aspx or call (02) 9953 3000.


Kyall Mai
Marketing and Events Coordinator
Phone: +612 9953 3000 Mobile: 0410 342 396


Superior Software for Windows Custom Software Solutions in ASP.NET, VB.NET, SQL Server, Exchange and MS Access