Printable Resources

SSW has been developing Microsoft-based solutions since 1990, and we in that time we've created some great resources that can be used in offices every where. We frequently give these away at user groups, conferences, etc., but if you're unable to get your hands on them in person or you just want more, you can download them below and have them printed locally.

The 8 Steps to Scrum

Scrum is easier than it seems and can be broken down into 8 simple steps. For more on this resource, visit Do you know the 8 Steps to Scrum?

8 Step to Scrum

​Fi​gure: This Scrum image includes all the important steps from the initial meeting to the Review and Retro.

Print this  SSW 8 Steps to Scrum PDF and put it on your 'War Room' wall​

The 3 steps to a PBI

The lifecycle of a PBI can be broken down into 3 steps: Ready, Code, and Done. For more on this resource, visit Do you know the 3 steps to a PBI?

3 Steps to completing a PBI

Figure: This image includes all the important steps in a PBI lifecycle.

Print this SSW 3 Steps to a PBI PDF and put it on your 'War Room' wall.

Printing Instructions

For optimum results we recommend you have these printed professionally in full color on A3-sized gloss paper that is 150gsm or above.