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  1. Suggestion, please automatically work out the dates

    The date on the dashboard designer
    Figure: PerformancePoint Data Connections 'Time' tab is unnecessarily intimidating
  2. Performance Point 2010 BUGS - it changes my URL!

    Is there a workaround to this bug?

    I paste
    Changes it to

    URL Bug
    Figure: BUG - This is not the URL I pasted

    The Performance Point 2010 team needs a KB article for this one.
    Extra info

    It happens when you use _ or % in the URL
    I think it is to do with a SQL reserved char issue.
    There is a BUG in the encoding; basically it needs to be stored in a format safe for SQL while retaining the actual content.

    I think the URL you enter is being stored in a SQL datatype, most likely a Varchar.
    The Underscore "_" & Percent "%" signs are reserved characters used for wildcard searches.
    Somewhere the URL is being parsed & the wildcard chars are being treated as wildcard chars.

    % is a legal HTTP character, so is a _.

    It is a bug and needs a work around...

  3. Love the annotations, but can't find them

    The red dot indicates that there is a comment.
    Figure: That red dot indicates that comments exist. Where are these comments stored?
    Can't find comments
    Figure: I can't find where the comments are stored. I expected them to be in one of the lists
     Add a link to open the annotation
    Figure: Suggestion ?add a link here to open the list that they are stored in
  4. Deleting should put the focus to the next one (little UI one)

    When you delete the cursor should end up where you expect it to!

    Figure: If you delete 'New Scorecard 4' the focus should just move up one
  5. Turning on checkboxes accidently (little UI one)

    I really could not work out why my wizards were gone from Performance Point.
    I was certain I had not changed "anything".

    After painstakingly retracing all my steps I discovered I must have accidently unchecked this box

    Accidently click on the blank area, then the checkbox is ticked
    Figure: Little UI one
    Click on the row doesn't work
    Figure: The crazy thing is, in Word's case above, clicking the row "should" turn the checkbox on and off... but it doesn't!
  6. Adding a Web Part - Filter box please

     Window 7 - filter feature
    Figure: Windows 7 is awesome for this one filter feature

    I am not a 'browser'... I much prefer to 'filter'. Filter boxes should be a consistently on list boxes in SharePoint

    SharePoint needs a filter box
    Figure: Give a Filter box
  7. Adding a Web Part - Popup form please

    I agree that too many popup forms are painful... but there is still UI situations where they make it easier for the user.

    SharePoint needs a popup form
    Figure: Adding a webpart should use a popup form... I don't think the 'add' is obvious instantly

    Read Do you know to use Popup forms? for more information.

  8. Help Me Print a Single Item in a List

    Add Two More Items To Right Click Memu
    Figure: This right click menu needs 2 more items
      Add 2 menus
    • Export item in word
    • Print via word


Adam Cogan