SSW Mini Update: NRG & SSW in association with Users present: Earning More Per Hour as a Developer

Sydney .NET User Group - The best place to learn .NET for free in Sydney - 2 Days to Go


Sydney .NET User Group
Wednesday 21st June 2006
5:45pm - 9:00pm
Location: Microsoft, Sydney

John Hodgson will be presenting - Introducing Developer Features for Office "12" and Developing on the Office "12" System Servers

Introducing Developer Features for Office "12" The Microsoft Office "12" system is a breakthrough solution platform that includes clients, servers, services and tools. Built on XML and a set of new extensibility technologies, it gives you the solution building blocks you need to help to meet today's business demands more quickly than building from scratch. This session will walk through some of the new features for developers such as the XML file formats, Visual Studio Tools for Office v3 and the new user experience technologies such as Adaptive UI, Galleries and Ribbons.

Developing on the Office "12" System Servers - Part III of the Office "12" System for the developer; Using the Open XML Formats, the Office "12" System will offer a new set of servers and services to extend beyond the desktop and deliver productivity applications in a rich web based experience. In this session we will walk through some of these servers, such as Sharepoint Server 2007, Groove and Forms Server. It will discuss how to approach commonly requested tasks such as leveraging Sharepoint Server 2007 to access Office client applications like Excel through HTML

Also this month Peter Ward from Wardy IT Solutions will be presenting SQL Management Object

Do you find that day-to-day in your job you are 'fire-fighting' issues that could have been prevented if you had the time to perform proactive monitoring of the SQL Server instances in your enterprise; Or maybe that you would like to implement an enterprise management solution but are restricted by budget constraints. In this session, Peter Ward from Wardy IT Solutions will introduce SQL Management Object (SMO) and how applications and scripts can use this object to access the management features of SQL Server 2005. Peter will also demonstrate how SMO can be applied in the enterprise to assist in automating common administrative tasks as well as to extend the function ability of SQL Server.

See You There!! | Sorry I can't make it

Tech Breakfast - 11 Days to Go: Last 3 seats only $75 (plus GST)


Visual Studio 2005 Team System
Friday 30th June 2006
8:00am - 11:00am

In this session special guest speaker Eric Phan will take you through Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System - an integrated software development platform that extends on Visual Studio to help build the mission-critical applications that businesses depend on.


Tech Breakfast - 18 Days to Go: All seats only $75 (plus GST) - Limited numbers


Visual Studio 2005 Team System
Friday 7th July 2006
8:00am - 11:00am

Due to the popularity of this session we are holding this Tech Breakfast again. In this session special guest speaker Eric Phan will take you through Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System - an integrated software development platform that extends on Visual Studio to help build the mission-critical applications that businesses depend on.


NRG Solutions & SSW in association with Users present: Earning More Per Hour As a Developer

Attend these complimentary sessions and learn to market yourself and position your solutions to customers.

Picture of Steve HerzbergSteve Herzberg - Sales Director at NRG Solutions. Steve has worked closely with Microsoft at this year's Code camp and has for the past few years assisted the team at SSW with tailored marketing and sales support. NRG Solutions are a training consulting company with a focus on sales and marketing skills and strategies for IT staff and companies. Steve is regarded as one of Australia's most engaging speakers and will show you how to take the next step in your career as a developer . Clients of NRG Solutions include: ANZ Bank, CGU, Microsoft, SSW, Cricket Australia & Fitness First.

In this introductory workshop, Steve will cover:

  1. How to conduct great client focused sales meetings
  2. Understanding why writing a proposal is often not the best approach to winning a new client
  3. When is the best time to position your solution to a client
  4. Appreciate how and why clients make decisions when buying IT and choosing developers
  5. Understand how to retain and effectively grow business from your clients
  6. Appreciate the power of your non verbal message
  7. Earn more per hour and clearly justify why you emerge the hourly rate that you do

Picture of Adam Cogan

Adam Cogan - Chief Architect at SSW and Microsoft Regional Director. Adam has been developing custom solutions for businesses across a range of industries such as Government, banking, insurance and manufacturing since 1990 for clients such as Microsoft, Quicken, and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation. His wealth of experience in the industry and unsurpassed technical knowledge will ensure attendees get the most out of these sessions.

Managing a team of coders can be a tricky experience, especially as most coders like to do things their own way. During this session Adam will go through a list of rules that help make the development process as smooth as possible. These rules govern the creation of specifications and schedules, best methods for testing and fixing bugs and even the employees working conditions.

So come and join Steve and Adam as they take you through "Earning More Per Hour as A Developer"

Daytime Session
Evening Session
Date: 25 July 2006 25 July 2006
Time: 1pm - 2.30pm 6.30pm - 8pm
Location: CITC
Level 1, 257 Collins St
Vic 3000
Microsoft Melbourne Office
644 Chapel Street
South Yarra
Vic 3141