Do you add a spot of color for emphasis?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

When there are key words that you want people to notice, you can add a spot of color on the important word for emphasis.

You should make parts of the text different colors just like you’d highlight or boldface parts of a sentence. The duo colored text will help emphasize your message. Whenever possible use the brand colors when you do this.

sswtv signage
Figure: The TV signage has the important words in red

quality software tagline
Figure: See bottom tag line - Don't make the important word “quality software” in red... because you already have red

quality software tagline grey
Figure: See bottom tag line - Make the important word “quality software” in red... because you do not have red

chewing fat bottom text
Figure: Chewing the Fat bottom text. No red word because it is the title

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