SharePoint - Do you know how to add "ssw only" content to a rule? (internal only)

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: SharePoint isn't used for rules anymore

Select the element "SSW Internal Block" to show content only internally.

internal only
Figure: Use this "SSW Internal Block" style to insert a section for "SSW Only" content

ssw only signedin
Figure: When signed in, you can see "ssw only" content

ssw only signedoff
Figure: When signed off, you cannot see "ssw only" content

Note: We have "SSW only content block" feature, however, Rules.SSW is a public website, which means technically the content is accessible through API, so please do not use it for confidential or sensitive info.

William Yin
Adam Cogan
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