DRY - Do you avoid repeated elements in content?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] 25 days ago.See history

Clear communication is essential for success, and especially helpful in professional or technical contexts. You should make your content more visually interesting and easier to scan quickly. Lists and emojis are great tools to achieve that.

Lists are great to make texts easier to digest. Emojis makes it even easier to consume when a lot of information is present. By using them you can enhance the communication experience. But when repeated excessively, they can become a hindrance rather than a help.

DRY, which stands for ‘don’t repeat yourself,’ is a principle of software development that aims at reducing the repetition of patterns and code duplication in favor of abstractions and avoiding redundancy.


This is especially valid for words in lists, but also applies to different types of content.

For lists, you should keep only the part that is unique in each list item.

Following this rule:

  • Is important to help you increase productivity
  • Is important to help you save time
  • Is important to help you reduce stress

Bad example – Repeating words... Not following DRY :(

Following this rule is important to help you to:

  • Increase productivity
  • Save time
  • Reduce stress

Good example – No repeated words by using the DRY principle


When there are multiple items listed, it can be challenging to distinguish between them quickly, leading to confusion and miscommunication. If the same emoji is repeated multiple times within a list, it can create visual clutter and make the list more difficult to read.

When creating a list that includes emojis, avoid repeating the same emoji 3 or more times within a list. Instead, add the emoji to a "introductory sentence" or "lead-in sentence". This helps to keep the content concise, readable, and consistent. Thus making it easy to scan the list and understand the benefits and drawbacks of a particular situation.

✅ Pros

  • ✅ Increases productivity
  • ✅ Saves time
  • ✅ Reduces stress

❌ Cons

  • ❌ May be challenging to implement
  • ❌ May take time to adjust
  • ❌ Can be challenging to maintain

Bad example – Using an excessive amount of emojis... Not following DRY :(

✅ Pros

  • Increases productivity
  • Saves time
  • Reduces stress

❌ Cons

  • Requires effort to implement
  • May take time to adjust
  • Can be challenging to maintain

Good example – Following the DRY principle

Following the DRY principle by avoiding excessive repetition of words/emojis helps to create content that are visually interesting and easy to read, while also promoting efficient and maintainable content creation.

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