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Do you avoid using if-else instead of switch block?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

The .NET framework and the C# language provide two methods for conditional handling where multiple distinct values can be selected from. The switch statement is less flexible than the if-else-if tree but is generally considered to be more efficient.

The .NET compiler generates a jump list for switch blocks, resulting in far better performance than if/else for evaluating conditions. The performance gains are negligible when the number of conditions is trivial (i.e. fewer than 5), so if the code is clearer and more maintainable using if/else blocks, then you can use your discretion. But be prepared to refactor to a switch block if the number of conditions exceeds 5.

int DepartmentId = GetDepartmentId()
if(DepartmentId == 1)
// do something
else if(DepartmentId == 2)
// do something #2
else if(DepartmentId == 3)
// do something #3
else if(DepartmentId == 4)
// do something #4
else if(DepartmentId == 5)
// do something #5
// do something #6

Figure: Bad example of coding practice

int DepartmentId = GetDepartmentId()
case 1:
// do something
case 2:
// do something # 2
case 3:
// do something # 3
case 4:
// do something # 4
case 5:
// do something # 5
case 6:
// do something # 6
//Do something here

Figure: Good example of coding practice which will result better performance

In situation where your inputs have a very skewed distribution, if-else-if could outperform switch statement by offering a fast path. Ordering your if statement with the most frequent condition first will give priority to tests upfront, whereas switch statement will test all cases with equal priority.

Further Reading:

Adam Cogan
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