Do you backup your databases for TFS 2010 migration?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Run your daily backups to provide a safety net should things go wrong.

::: greybox

  1. Confirm that the TFS2008 databases were backed up last night. a. TfsActivityLogging b. TfsBuild c. TfsIntegration d. TfsVersionControl e. TfsWarehouse f. TfsWorkItemTracking g. TfsWorkItemTrackingAttachments ::: Figure: If you can’t see the physical .bak file for all these, chase up your DBA
  2. Create a backup of the TFS2008 databases by running your Daily Backup maintenance plan on TFS2008
    Figure: Before starting, kick off the daily backups
Adam Cogan
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