Do you allow users to comment and rate your pages?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

If you have published content on the internet, it's a good idea to allow your visitors to comment and rate your pages. Collecting feedback is a great way to make it easier to maintain your content. You can see which content is out of date, and which content is more highly regarded by your user base. This lets you focus on creating the most relevant content that you can. As well as providing you with feedback, allowing people to participate makes them feel more engaged with your content, broadening your reach.

There are a few ways that you can easily add comments and interactivity such as using widgets from:

Main Options


✅ Pros:

  • Uses GitHub discussions to store comments
  • Uses GitHub login - most people already have this
  • Simple and lightweight
  • Always free
  • Open source
  • No tracking scripts
  • No ads

❌ Cons:

  • No moderation features


✅ Pros:

  • Moderation features
  • Spam protection features

❌ Cons:

  • Heavy - adds lots of tracking scripts
  • Need a separate login
  • Paid (Unless you want ugly ads 🤮)

Other options

  • Utterances - Very similar to Giscus, but uses GitHub Issues instead of Discussions. Giscus is recommended over Utterances as using Issues for comments will pollute your backlog.
  • Yotpo

The following video shows an overview of Yotpo ratings which we've implemented for our SSW Rules.

Good Example: Yotpo ratings on the SSW Rules site

Adam Cogan
Brady Stroud
Daniel Mackay
We open source. Powered by GitHub