Do you know how to structure a Brainstorming presentation?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

The presentations are a very important part of the brainstorming as they are sharing the outcomes of the idea with the stakeholders who can decide whether the ideas should be implemented or not.

To keep presentations consistent, use a template and ensure the following is covered:

  1. Pain - What is the problem you are solving?
  2. Potential solutions and a recommendation - How can we fix the problem?
  3. Cost - how long is it going to take and how much will it cost?
  4. Next steps - how can this solution be implemented?

Figure: SSW's Brainstorming PowerPoint Template (6 min)

In order to get through all the presentations in 1 day, allocate a strict schedule.


  • Presentation Delivery: 7 Minutes
  • Audience Q&A: 3 Minutes
  • Adam’s Feedback: 3 Minutes
  • Changeover: The next group must be ready to start immediately!

If the team has a demo to share, get them to pre-record it and embed it into the PowerPoint. This will save time and ensure the demo goes smoothly.

Run sheets

To help presentations run smoother, it's a good idea to set up a presentation run sheet and then share it with the attendees on the day.

This could be in a GitHub Discussion, Microsoft Loop, or Word document.

Adam Cogan
William Liebenberg
Piers Sinclair
Brady Stroud
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