Do you use Co-Authored Commits?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

When using co-creation patterns such as pair-programming or mob-programming, you should make sure that all the developers get attribution. When done correctly co-authored commits stand out as a testament to teamwork and shared responsibility, reflecting the collaborative efforts and diverse expertise contributed to each change.

Figure: GitHub - Co-Authored Commit

There are several different ways to create co-authored commits, depending on the tools you are using.


If you use Visual Studio Live Share to collaborate, it will co-author the git commits with everyone on the share session

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code the Git Mob Extension can be used to co-author commits.


Rider has a great UI that makes creating co-authored commits easy. It provides intellisense for the co-authored commit trailer, and will suggest the names of the people who have access to the git repository.

Figure: Rider - Co-Authored Commits

GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop supports co-authored commits out of the box.

github desktop
Figure: GitHub Desktop - Co-Authored Commits


When writing the commit message, leave 2 blank lines, and give each co-author their own line and Co-authored-by: commit trailer

$ git commit -m "Refactor usability tests.
Co-authored-by: NAME <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ANOTHER-NAME <[email protected]>"
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