Controls - Do you use the fonts recommended by Microsoft in your application? (Windows Forms Only)

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Deprecated

Some font are easier to read then others, at SSW we follow Microsoft's Visual Design Guidelines. This means we use Tahoma 8pt as our font of choice.

Ensure all fonts on your forms are set to Tahoma but we allow controls to use a different font. This is because certain information is better displayed in a different font. For example a Textbox to show code should use Courier instead of Tahoma.

Figure: Bad example - This form uses a non-standard font, and it is hard to read

Figure: Good example - This form uses Tahoma, and it is easy to read

Figure: Good example - This form uses Tahoma, and the RichTextBox displays source code using Courier New

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