SSW Foursquare

Do you always create suggestions when something is hard to do?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

One of our goals is to make the job of the developer as easy as possible. If you have to write a lot of code for something that you think you should not have to do, you should make a suggestion and add it to the relevant page.

If you have to add a suggestion, make sure that you put the link to that suggestion into the comments of your code.

/// <summary>
/// base class for command implementations
/// This is a work around as standard MVVM commands
/// are not provided by default.
/// </summary>
public class Command : ICommand
 // code

Figure: Bad example - The link to the suggestion should be in the comments

/// <summary>
/// base class for command implementations
/// This is a work around as standard MVVM commands
/// are not provided by default.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
///  Issue Logged here:
public class Command : ICommand
 // code

Figure: Good example - When you link to a suggestion everyone can find it and vote it up

Adam Cogan
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