Pre-Production - Do you define the level of quality up front (Gold vs Silver)?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Aligning expectations with stakeholders is key to success, especially for creative content where the outcome is very variable. Make sure you define what kinds of videos need what quality level.



  • Extra equipment needed to film, more filming locations, lots of B-Roll, many rounds of feedback, high level of audio post and colour grading etc.

Specific examples

General examples

  • Any high value videos that generate sales that will live on your website rather than just your social media
  • Consulting page videos
  • Testimonial videos



  • Basic equipment used to film, less B-Roll, fewer round of feedback, quick and dirty colour grading and audio post

Specific examples

  • All the videos from the latest conference/event
  • Brainstorming day video

General examples

  • All Social Media videos
  • All User Group videos
  • All Event videos
  • All Rules videos
Andrew Forsyth
Raj Dhatt
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