Do you disable connections for TFS 2010 migration?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Once you are ready to start you need to make sure that no one can access the existing TFS 2008 server while you do the migration.

  1. You are ready to start
  2. Send out an email notifying all users that TFS2008 will be turned off. Follow Do you have a server reboot/restart policy?
  3. Make sure no-one can check in files by either: A. Running TFSQuiesce (recommended)

    B. Turning off TFS Service 1. Remote desktop into TFS 2008 2. Start IIS 3. Right click Team Foundation Server | Stop

Figure: You need to stop anyone checking in files

  1. Confirm you can no longer get latest on the team project
Adam Cogan
Eric Phan
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