Do you add stsadm to environmental variables

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

In SharePoint 2007, it is a good idea to add the path to stsadm.exe into the environment variables on a SharePoint server so you can open a command prompt and run the tool from anywhere.

stsadm Figure: you should be able to quickly type ‘stsadm’. Believe me you will be typing it enough! In SharePoint 2010, you can skip quite a few steps by using the PowerShell Console.

SP2010PowerShell Figure: Using SharePoint 2010 Management Shell

More Information for SharePoint 2007

  1. In the start menu type Edit the system environment variables and run the tool EnvVariables

    Figure 1 - Search for "Edit the system environment variables” in the Start Menu

  2. In the System variables section, select Path and click **Edit ** EnvVariables2

    Figure 2 - Under System Variables | Select Path | Click Edit
  3. Add the path at the end of the Variable Value 1. For a SharePoint 2007 Server, enter: ;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\bin
  4. You may need to reboot the server
  5. You can now run stsadm from anywhere in the command prompt
Matthew Hodgkins
William Yin
John Liu
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