Facebook - Do you create a call to action on your Facebook page?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Facebook has a call-to-action feature that helps Pages drive business objectives. These call-to-action buttons link to any destination on or off Facebook that aligns with a business’s goals.

Page admins can select from a group of call-to-action buttons:

  • Book Now
  • Contact Us
  • Use App
  • Play Game
  • Shop Now
  • Sign Up
  • Watch Video

For services or apps, you should use the "Watch Video" one. Video is flooding the online marketplace and is quickly becoming a marketing standard to convey your message. If you don't have a video yet, visit SSW's Video Services pages to make a creative and engaging video for your company.

watch video facebook
Figure: Good Example - Take the Facebook visitor to watch your video

Adam Cogan
Tiago Araujo
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