Do you first get your Cluster and SAN going?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Archived. This is no longer the case, you enable cluster manager and hyper-v at the same time.

This is an advanced topic. The pre-requisites are that you already have Clustered nodes setup, and then your SAN.

Then you enable your Hyper-V role on your cluster.

First refer to all rules listed in "Rules to Better Hyper-V" as these are the basics for Hyper-V.

Feature matrix
hyper-v feature matrix
Figure: The following rules are referring to the 2nd column on Hyper-V (this also tells you why choose Hyper-V Live Migration over VMWare VMotion) Let's continue with the rules specially for clustering...

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