Do you have a Facebook Like Page for each entity you have?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Irrelevant as per Tiago RE: SSW Rules [BAD] - Do you have a Facebook Like Page for each entity you have?

Do you need one?

If an object can gather enough of a community willing to share a common interest, then a Facebook Like Page (was a Fan Page) is suitable.

A Like Page should be available for each popular product or entity of your company. SSW has a page for the Rules section of our company but not for each individual product; on the other hand, it would be suitable for Microsoft to have a separate page for each of their products.

Facebook LikePage
Figure: One of these Like Pages is probably unnecessary.

Whether your product or entity requires a Like Page depends largely on how effectively it will reach your target audience. Such pages usually have a high upkeep as you need to spend time to maintain your public image, responding to comments and posting updates reliably. It can be a profitable maneuver, but if this style of social networking does not reach out to your audience, then maintaining it is needless.

Adam Cogan
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