Do you know how to add a Test Case to a Test Plan in Microsoft Test Manager?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Microsoft Test Manager has been superseded by Azure Test Plans, a new rule covers how to add test cases to test plans in Azure Test Plans

You organize your Test Cases by adding them to a Test Plan (also called a Test Suite).

We have one Test Plan per Sprint.

add tc to tp 1
Figure: Select Plan from the main menu, and then choose the Test Plan that you would like to add Test Cases to

add tc to tp 2
Figure: Add a filter to make it easy to find your Test Cases. Click the Run button, select the relevant items and click the 'Add Test Cases' button

add tc to tp 3
Figure: Your Test Case has now been added to the suite

Adam Stephensen
Adam Cogan
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