Do you know how to use labels for GitHub Issues?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

It is important that you, especially a developer, knows how to use labels for GitHub issues when using an open source project on GitHub, as it would help compact issues and make the issue management workflow more efficient. Essentially, having such a predictable workflow will let the community feel professional.

Every new repository comes in with some default labels out of the box that you could use to label your issues to help create a standard workflow in a repository. A list of the default labels and their general uses can be found here: GitHub - Managing Labels

Depend on projects, there often need to be new labels created on top of the default labels. For instance, when you are using an internal project management solution (such as Azure DevOps) for an open source project, a new label "added to backlog" is created and applied to applicable issues specifically for demonstrating that an issue has been added to the Azure DevOps backlog and is being worked on for the community. This way you can give the community an understanding of the current goals of the project and a higher feeling of interactivity with your development team. issues bad example

Bad Example: It is hard to understand what issues are being worked on

issues good example

Good Example: It is very simple to understand if an issue has received attention

Adam Cogan
Andreas Lengkeek
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