Do you know how you deal with impediments in Scrum?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Archived as we don't put exercises in SSW Rules. See to know how to deal with impediments

Exercise – Click Click Scrum

This exercise uses the VS2010 planning poker deck of cards & TFS

Separate out the cards

Separate out these as Chance Cards

chance cards
Figure: Chance cards

Separate out these as Point Cards

point cards
Figure: Point cards

Set Timeboxes

Sprint Planning (What): 20 minutes

Sprint Planning (How): 20 minutes

Each Day: 10 minutes ( x 9 days = 90 minutes)

Review: 20 minutes

Retro: 20 minutes

Total for 1 complete Sprint: 170 minutes (~3 hours)

Sprint Planning Meeting (What)

  1. The trainer acts as PO and gives PBIs & prioritises them
  2. Students clarify the requirements of the PBIs (Details, Acceptance Criteria)
  3. Students do Planning Poker to Estimate
  4. Students break PBIs into tasks
  5. Students put estimates on each task (typical times for work in a day e.g 4 hours, 8 hours)

Each Day in the Sprint

  1. Get the students “Click-Click” their fingers instead of doing actual coding
  2. The trainer deals one or two cards from the Chance Cards
  3. The trainer looks up the meaning of the cards (see table below) and the trainer makes up a suitable PBI that fits the card and the work the students are doing
  4. The students add or change work items based on the scenario of the Chance cards
  5. (If your team is estimating tasks) The team reduces the remaining hours on their assigned tasks, with the assumption that each student works 8 hours
  6. Do the Daily Scrum (describing their day based on the work they just updated in TFS)

NOTE: It is OK to really code rather than use “Click-Click” development as long as TFS is updated.

The Review Meeting

The PO reviews the work of the team (Note: if all the work was “Click-Click” then review the TFS work items to check that they are entered OK).

The Retro

Students and PO do a standard Scrum retro for the exercise.

Meaning of the Chance Cards

Table Example - Impediment

∞ - Impediment
Draw a point card
Add the value to the remaining hours of a task
Record the impediment

Table Example - DBA will not give access to the database:

? - Clarification
Draw a point card
Add a new task
Set the remaining hours of a task to the value

Table Example - The error message should change from “User Error” to “The process could not be completed, please check the Url value provided for the web service and try again”:

0 - Bug
Draw a point card
Create a bug
Add a task to the bug
Set the remaining hours on the task to the value

Table Example - One of the build scripts fails on the build server, but works on a local dev machine:

20 - Bubble
Draw a point card
Create a bubble
Add a task to the bubble
Halve the remaining hours on a task

Table Example - The data access layer supports the validation framework so as that was already implemented the effort expected has decreased:

40 - Spike
Draw a point card
Create a new PBI
Set the PBI points to the value

Table Example - The current implementation may not support real-time display of information with the performance expected by users – investigate:

100 - Task blowout
Double the remaining hours on a task

Cancelled Sprint - The PO cancels the Sprint

  • Cancel all tasks
  • Recycle the PBIs to the Product Backlog

Team Member - The Team is missing a Team Member

  • Reduce the hours the team works by 8 hours

Scrum Master - The Team is missing the Scrum Master

  • The team handles the missing SM

Product Owner - The Product Owner is missing

  • The team handles the missing PO

Stakeholder Interferes - Stakeholders are contacting the Team to change priorities and requirements

  • The team handles the Stakeholders
Adam Cogan
Paul Neumeyer
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