Do you know the Power BI version control features?

Last updated by Manu Gulati [SSW] 22 days ago.See history

To follow best practices for version control for Power BI reports you must know about the following features:

The following video provides an overview of these features.

Video: Empower every BI professional to do more with Microsoft Fabric | OD06 (Watch from min 5:00 to 13:00)

good example compare changes 2 1719542104669
Figure: Once version control has been setup you can see more clearly what changed in the report.

  1. Convert all your Power BI reports to the PBIP format

    • First enable Power BI Projects in Power BI Desktop - File | Option Settings | Options | Preview features | Power BI project (.pbip) save option
    • Second "Save As" all your .pbix files as .pbip

    enable pbip format
    Figure: Enable PBIP format in Power BI Desktop

    save as pbip
    Figure: Convert all .pbix files to PBIP format

    • Converting reports to the PBIP format decomposes it into the following artifacts.
    • A Dataset folder, which contains files and folders representing a Power BI dataset
    • A Reports folder, which contains the report settings, metadata for custom visuals, etc.

    Figure: PBIP artifacts

  2. Commit the PBIP artifacts into a Git repository in an Azure DevOps project. Note, as of this writing Power BI's Git integration only works with Azure DevOps.

    Note: Once you convert the report Power BI Desktop will save a copy of the data into a file called cache.abf which gets stored in a ".pbi" folder inside the Dataset folder. This file should not be saved in version control. You can create a .gitignore file to prevent Git from committing it to the repository.

    Figure: cache.abf

    Figure: The .gitignore file

  3. Connect a workspace in Power BI Service with a branch in the Git repo in Azure DevOps
Manu Gulati
Adam Cogan
Calum Simpson
Kosta Madorsky
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