Do you know that your forum activity gets a tweet?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Irrelevant (as per Camilla and Tiago)

If you are active in a forum, like the MSDN or StackOverflow forums, then you should set up the RSS for your activity to automatically tweet.

Replied to the question Error when trying to 'add assembly from project output' in the package manager. in the Sha... 6:02 PM Mar 12th via twitterfeed

Figure: Good example - MSDN and ardvark tweets are automatic using twitterfeed

Just helped someone from Rexburg, US with a question about *diligence* ...on Aardvark!

Figure: Good example - Aardvark tweets are built in

Maybe your followers will want to chip in with a better answer.

This is done by finding your "activity" feed on the forum.

Example of activity feed from StackOverflow:

Adam Cogan
Martin Hinshelwood
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