Do you know the Code Health (Quality Gates) to add?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

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Archived Reason: Content is covered in the following rule:

Code health is all about quality and consistency. Here is how to use various auditors and linters not just in your development environment, but also on your Azure DevOps build.

Depending on your development environment and the type of project, you should utilise different auditing tools.

  1. Visual Studio - How to install and modify Visual Studio Analyzers
  2. Visual Studio Code - How to include ESLint and CSSLint extensions
  3. Azure DevOps - How to produce a build script which analyses code as part of the build process

Following the steps should take about 15 minutes to do, but longer to implement depending on the size of your solution. (Requires solution analysis in VS and at least one build on Azure DevOps)

Version 1.2

  • Added step to include "PrimaryBuild" variable as a pseudo id for the API Version 1.1
  • Removed CSSLint from build definition
  • Added Web Essentials to Visual Studio environment

Visual Studio

Search & Install the NuGet packages:

For Visual Studio development on web applications, download Web Essentials, it will provide intellisense for JS, CSS, HTML, Less, Scss, and CoffeeScript.

VS InstallNuGetPackages 1710232021935
Figure: Steps to install NuGet Packages

Here is a quick guide to the steps to install NuGet Packages to the entire solution:

  1. Right click solution
  2. Select "Manage NuGet packages for solution"
  3. Select "Browse"
  4. Search <package name>
  5. Select <package name>
  6. Check all projects
  7. Click "Install"

Issues from these will now be returned in the Visual Studio analyzer error list.

VS RoslynRules 1710232021936
Figure: New Roslyn Rule issues raised in Visual Studio Analyzer

Run Code Analysis on the project. Check over all of the warnings, if they are unnecessary or inappropriate, disable them, otherwise modify their severity level to "Error".

When the build is run, "Errors" will break the build, while "Warnings" will be reported, but not break the build.
Rules which have been flagged should also be checked once the build is completed.

Modify Visual Studio Analysis

The goal is to develop a shared ruleset across projects. This will ensure the same standard and quality of code is maintained across all of the company's projects.

Any project specific rules should be documented in _docs\ which is to be kept in the solution as per Do you make awesome documentation?

You can configure the severity of analyzer rules in an EditorConfig file.

Follow the rule Do you keep your code consistent using .editorconfig? to add EditorConfig file to your project or solution.

Visual Studio Code

For web projects, we advocate the use of CSSLint for css files and ESLint for typescript files. (Why you should be using TypeScript instead of JavaScript)

Linters for these can be easily added to VS Code via extensions. Simply select the "Extensions" tab, search for "CSSLint" and "ESLint" and click "Install" on each respectively.

vs code extensions 1710232021938
Figure: Addition of CSSLint and ESLint to VS Code Project

If you prefer not to use the Extensions, you can install them using npm as normal.

Automatically Check your Build in Azure DevOps

Ensure utilisation of TeamBuild2015 or higher (No support for XAML builds).

Edit the build definition

VSO EditBuild
Figure: Steps to edit an existing build definition on

Everything below this point is out-of-date

Select "Build & Release" > Select "Builds" > Click on your existing build > Click "Edit"

VSO BuildDefinition V3 1710232021937
Figure: Example completed build definition

VSO DirectoryExampleV2 1710232021937
Figure: Example directory for TSLint run commands

Under advanced for the Command Line tasks, the Working Directory can be specified if necessary.


Npm - Install tslint and typescript
Name: npm install tslint
Working Folder: {{ TOP DIRECTORY }}
Npm Command: install
Arguments: -g tslint typescript

Command Line - Check the version (Useful to determine rule discrepancies across builds)
Name : Check tslint version
Tool: tslint
Arguments: -v

Command Line - Builds a default configuration file for the build (Without it issues can differ between build and development environment
Name: Create tslint config file
Tool: tslint
Arguments: --init

Command Line - Run tslint, force is required to stop the build from crashing (TSLint will return and exit code of 1 regardless of if issues exist)
Name: Run tslint
Tool: TSLint
Arguments: --force {{ SOLUTION DIRECTORY }}/**/*.ts{,x}

If your build is being hosted, then the config file must be reloaded every time. If your build is running on premises, the config file will attempt to load over the existing one and break the build.

If this is the case, just add a step to delete your config file after the scan is complete.

VSO RemoveConfig 1710232021938
Figure: Command line step to remove the config file (tslint.json) after the linter has run

Command Line - Remove the tslint config file, as it will break future scan if the build is on premises if a config file already exists and an attempt to add another one is made
Name: Remove tslint config
Tool: del
Arguments: tslint.json

Once complete, save the build definition and run the build.

Then check the build is successful.

  • If the build fails (due to errors), these should be corrected in the development environment.
  • If warnings exist, the rule should be disabled or set as an error (If it is worth fixing, then it should be required for everyone).
  • If your project does not contain TypeScript files, then you do not need to include the TSLint build tasks.

VSO EnsureTSLintRuns
Figure: Ensure TSLint actually finds files to scan (if the project includes TSLint files) otherwise it will pass without you noticing

For the purposes of reporting, a unique tag must be added to the build definition which the Code Health steps have been applied to.

This is done with the addition of a variable (Name = PrimaryBuild, Value = true).

VSO AddVariableTag 1710232021936
Figure: Steps to add PrimaryBuild variable to build definition

VSO BuildResult BadV3
Figure: Bad example - Build broke due to compile errors. Must fix to proceed

VSO BuildResultV3
Figure: Bad example - Successful build with warnings. Should be disabled or set as errors

VSO BuildResult GoodV3
Figure: Good example - Successful build with no warnings

Adam Cogan
Danijel Malik
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