Do you know the right source control to use?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

SSW uses and recommends Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) as a source code solution.

TFSTeam Figure: Microsoft Visual Studio Team System Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Checkin policies
  • Integrated Work Items and Source control
  • Visual Studio IDE integration
  • Code Metrics
  • HTTP access via webservices
  • Integrated Build Server

::: greybox Reasons companies choose Visual SourceSafe (VSS)

  • No server required
  • No VPN required
  • They are ignorant about the potential corruption problems

Figure: Bad Example, Visual SourceSafe (VSS) is a bad choice

Reasons companies choose Subversion (SVN) -It's free -It's easy to use -No Build integration -No Work Item integration

**Figure: Better example, Subversion (SVN) is an OK choice **

Reasons companies choose Team Foundation Server (TFS) -It's free (With MSDN) -It's easy to use -It's easy to install -High fidelity SQL data store -No VPN required -Does not require a server (basic configuration) -Has Build integration -Has Work Item integration -Has Test suite integration -Has reporting out of the box

Figure: Better example, Subversion (SVN) is an OK choice

David Klein
Justin King
Tristan Kurniawan
Ryan Tee
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