Do you know to Slideshare your PowerPoint (before the presentation)?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived

SlideShare is an online archive of presentations and other documents. It is the best way to store your training material for search engines and is easily accessible.

Figure: SlideShare ranks well in google searches

Figure: Interestingly, keyword heavy slides from your PowerPoint will rank highly on Google image search

Check out the SlideShare shown above: Supercharging your Xamarin app! 3 must use libraries

Follow these steps to ensure you get as much coverage as possible before and after your presentation:

  1. Prepare your PowerPoint as normal. Refer to SSW Rules to Better Presentations
  2. Work on your presentation from SharePoint to allow sharing
  3. Get your content checked by a tester and a designer)
  4. Before you upload to SlideShare, add two slides: 1. On the last slide, add a generic SlideShare link such as - E.g. 2. On the first slide add a note that contains the version. This is so that you can compare easily what version is on SharePoint and what is on SlideShare

    Figure: Add the version number on the bottom right corner of your first or second slide

  5. Upload to SlideShare – Make sure the title doesn’t have the version number on it
  6. Go to “My uploads” and change the presentation title to have the version number
    version number slideshare
    Figure: Adding the version number to the title (after uploading) won’t affect the URL
  7. Create a "_OnSlideshare.txt" file with the Slideshare URL and add it to SharePoint on the same folder where the original PPT is
  8. Now you can present!

Figure: the SSW example of a SlideShare link slide

Figure: If you presentation is being recorded be sure to send yourself a reminder email to embedd the video in to the SlideShare.

Don't want to use SlideShare? There are some other options: Do you keep your presentations in a public location?

Adam Cogan
Chris Briggs
Joanna Feely
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