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Interruptions - Do you minimize Microsoft Teams distractions?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Dealing with distractions is a fundamental rule to a successful project. Microsoft Teams is a great way to get distracted. Following these options helps you to minimize message distractions:

  1. Turn on at start-up - With the application always on your desktop, there is no reason for alerts to be sent to your email or phone
  2. Disable email alerts - this reduces bloat in your task list

open teams settings
Figure: Click the three dots | settings

customize notification settings
Figure: Click notifications | Customized

only show feed
Figure: Set settings to "Only show in feed" so distracting phone and email alerts aren't sent

ensure teams always on
Figure: Navigate to Settings | Apps | Startup | ensure Teams loads on startup

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