Do you monitor company email?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

If email is the property of the employer, then it makes sense to monitor the health of your emails and email server.

If you are using Exchange Online as your mail server, you can see a whole dashboard of your current email situation at Office 365 Security & Compliance, including:

  1. Mail Flow Map - Where are your emails coming from and going to
  2. Outbound and inbound email count
  3. Alerts - Is anything wrong happening with my emails?
  4. Queues - Are any emails pending on a queue (not being delivered)?

mailflow insights office365
Figure: Good Example - Mail dashboard on Office 365 Security & Compliance

Always keep on top of your email health!

Adam Cogan
Cameron Shaw
Kaique Biancatti
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