Do you remove the need to type “/tfs” ?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Many clients that complain when they type: ...and then see ‘Server Error 403 – Forbidden: Access is denied’

It is not a nice experience that in 2015 the out-of-the-box requirement is still to type "/tfs".

tfs url 1
Figure: Bad example - A horrible first experience... did I get the URL wrong? Is the server down?

So fix the nasty out-of-the-box experience.

tfs url 2
Figure: Option 1 – This is one way. Include some text to tell devs that they can remove the need for /tfs - on the Application Tier page specify port 80 and an empty Virtual Directory

tfs url 3
Figure: Option 2 – This is another way. In IIS add the redirect to remove the need to type “/tfs” (recommended)

Adam Cogan
Eric Phan
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