Do you use Expression Blend + SketchFlow to create mock-ups?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

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Mock-ups are very powerful tools to communicate requirements with clients, however it could be very time consuming and costing to create a good looking mock-up. Also, we don't want to "create and throw" our mock-ups, they should be picked up by developers and add features on top of them once the client approves the work.

Using Expression + SketchFlow, you can:

  • Quickly create sketch-style mock-ups with little efforts,
  • Share your mock-ups with the whole team and clients easily,
  • Collect feedbacks from clients,
  • Use them in development process directly (as they are real Sliverlight and WPF solution files)

Figure: Expression + SketchFlow

Read Do you conduct specification analysis by creating mock-ups? to learn more about other mock-up types.

Lei Xu
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