Do you use Respond JS to target IE8 with Bootstrap?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: The library Respond JS has not been updated since 2017 as per the GitHub repo: and has very low usage on NPM: . Supporting Internet Explorer versions under IE8 is also no longer relevant for most projects, used by 0.03% of devices: .

By default, we do not accommodate IE8 or lower, but should it arise as a specific requirement, then you can include Respond JS in your application, after Bootstrap. Respond JS enables responsive web designs in browsers that don't support CSS3 Media Queries.

18 06 2014 2 04 12 PM
Figure: Include respond.js in your bootstrap bundle

Note: Respond JS will be included in a new MVC5 Web Application. If you are working on an existing application, you can get it from NuGet or

18 06 2014 2 15 09 PM
Figure: A new MVC5 Web Application running in IE8 with Bootstrap and Respond JS

Ben Cull
Drew Robson
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