Do you use Slack as part of your DevOps?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Use teams instead

Figure: See how Slack can be setup to improve your Devops

With all these different tools being used to collect information in your application, a developer will frequently need to visit many different sites to get information like:

  • Was the last build successful?
  • What version is in production?
  • What errors are being triggered on the app?
  • Is the server running slow?
  • What is James working on?

This is where a tool like Slack comes in handy. It can help your team aggregate this information from many separate sources into one dedicated channel for your project. The other benefits also include a new team member instantly having access to the full history of the channel as well so no conversations are lost.

At SSW we integrate Slack with:

  • Octopus Deploy
  • TeamCity
  • Visual Studio

Even better, you can create bots in slack to manage things like deployments and updating release notes.

2016 06 06 11 22 03
Good example - One centralized location for team chat, deployment issues, exceptions and TFS changes

Eric Phan
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