Do you have a powerful domain?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This is not one of the main ones, but still relevant. Your domain name is important!

Here are a few things:

  • Using exact word match - Using keywords that closely match your product or service in your domain name can be beneficial for SEO and user understanding. However, it's essential to strike a balance between relevance and the natural flow of the domain name. Example: if you search for the word car, it’s more likely that the first search result will have “car” on it.
  • Maintaining the website's seniority - Older domains may have more authority and trust with search engines. Newer domains can still perform well but may need more time to establish authority.
  • Avoiding dashes - Avoiding hyphens in your domain name is generally a good practice because it can make the domain easier to remember and type. Additionally, domains without hyphens often appear cleaner and more professional.
  • Using auto-renewal - Setting the domain to auto-renew is a smart practice to ensure you don't accidentally lose control of your domain due to expiration. Don’t be like Australian PM Scott Morrison who lost control of his domain name to a prankster.

Figure: Bad example - What happens when you lose your domain to a prankster and you are the PM

Figure: Good Example - This website has its main product 'car' in its domain

Camilla Rosa Silva
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