Do you know how to find the best hashtags to use?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Social media analytics tools like Talkwalker revolutionizes hashtag tracking on Twitter, offering valuable insights and data-driven analytics. Unlike manual searches, Talkwalker provides an accurate count of hashtag usage, enabling users to measure trends and understand the magnitude of discussions on specific topics.

talkwalker example
Figure: Talkwalker shows that the hashtags usage in this case, Microsoft announced the MVPs on the 7th of July that is shown by the spike on the graph

Talkwalker's benefits extend beyond mere hashtag counts. The tool allows users to gain deeper insights into mentions, user engagement, geographic distribution, and influential users related to a particular hashtag or event.

Armed with these valuable data points, businesses, marketers, and researchers can make informed decisions and tailor their strategies to better connect with their audience.

The real-time detailed analytics redefine hashtag tracking, providing a comprehensive approach to understand Twitter trends. With its dynamic graphs and powerful insights, Talkwalker empowers users to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of social media and make informed decisions to enhance their social media presence and engagement.

Adam Cogan
Camilla Rosa Silva
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Seth Daily
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