SharePoint - Do you know how to create a rule category? (internal only)

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Replaced by

Basically, creating a rule category contains two parts of work.

  1. Create a "rule category" in Term Store (e.g. "Rules to Better xxx")
  2. Create a "rule summary" page to show all the rule pages belong to this rule category

1. Create a "rule category" in Term Store (e.g. "Rules to Better xxx")

  1. Open browser, log in to /admin
  2. Open termstoremanager, under "ImportTaxonomy" | "RuleCategories", find the right "parent category" (e.g. "Communication"), click "Create Term": rulecategor1
  3. Type the rule category name, e.g. "Rules to Better xxx": rulecategor2

2. Create a "rule summary" page to show rule pages belong to this rule category

  1. Go to "Site Setting" | "Add a page" to create a new page: rulecategor3
  2. Type the rule category name in the popup dialog (same as the rule category name created in term store, e.g. "Rules to Better xxx"), then click "Create" button:
    Figure: a friendly url will be automatically generated
  3. On the new created page, go to "Ribbon" | "Page" | "Page Layout" to change the new created page layout to be "SSW - Rule Summary Page":


  1. "Check in" and "Publish" this "Rule Summary" page, then you should have a page like below,

Figure: Any futher created "rule pages" belong to this "rule category" will be listed on this page

Tiago Araujo
Adam Cogan
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