Do you know how to refresh the cube?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Piers: We don’t use TFS anymore and even if we did, this rule looks very outdated.

Note: These are instructions for TFS 2010 Beta 2

If you enter data and then look at reports you will see stale data!!!

Figure: The report footer tells you that the TFS Warehouse is not up to date

The UI does not provide an easy option. However you have 2 *hard* ways of updating the TFS Data Warehouse.

Option 1 - Open SQL Management Studio and then force re-processing
Option 2 - Open the TFS Web Services in IE and then force processing (Recommended - see below)

More info on Option 2

Follow these instructions to reprocess the data warehouse using the web services (this took us a long time to work out):

  1. Open IIS Manager
  2. Go to "Team Foundation Server"
  3. Open the feature "Directory browsing"
  4. "Enable"
  5. Back to "Team Foundation Server"
  6. "Browse website"
  7. Browse to http://localhost:8080/tfs/TeamFoundation/Administration/v3.0/WarehouseControlService.asmx

    Figure: You will need to call 2 of these web services

  8. Invoke "ProcessWarehouse" with the parameter "DefaultCollection" (or whatever your collection is called)

    Figure: Call "ProcessWarehouse" web service with parameter "DefaultCollection"

  9. Invoke "ProcessAnalysisDatabase" with parameter "Full"

    Figure: Call "ProcessAnalysisDatabase" with parameter "Full"

  10. Now once the the reprocess is completed, the reports are up to date

More info see the blog entry from Grant Holliday:

Note: We have a suggestion to the TFS team for this.

See the suggestion for a VS extension to Refresh Report Data

Adam Cogan
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