.NET - Do you set multiple startup projects?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

It's common for .NET solutions to have multiple projects, for example an API and a UI. Did you know Microsoft Visual Studio and Jetbrains Rider allow you to start as many projects as you want with a single click?

❌ Split Terminals

You can run each project in a seperate terminal using dotnet run, but this will quickly become hard to manage the more projects you need to run.

split terminals
Figure: Multiple Terminals

❌ Manually Launching in IDE

You could also manually select and launch each project in your IDE, but this will result in a lot of clicking and waiting. It can also be error prone as you may forget to launch a project.

manual launch
Figure: Manually selecting and launching each project

✅ Setting Multiple Startup Projects

You can set multiple startup projects in Visual Studio and Rider, this will allow you to launch all your projects with a single click.

Launch Multiple Projects in Visual Studio
Launch Multiple Projects in Jetbrains Rider

Note: If you change the launch profile Visual Studio will not save your configuration and you will have to follow the above steps again.

Note: Rider will save the launch profile you just created, you can switch between launch profiles without losing your configuration.

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