Post-Production - Do you know which video hosting service to choose?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] almost 2 years ago.See history

Nowadays there are a variety of online video hosting solutions to choose from and it's important you pick the right service for the right purpose.

YouTube is great for exposure, social media sharing and where user engagement is part of your marketing strategy. The best types of content that work on YouTube are Educational and Entertainment.

However, YouTube might not be the best place to host your more marketing based videos, for example, a homepage video selling a service or product.

Hosting platforms like Wistia and Vimeo is better for professional purposes because they can offer things like higher video quality, embedded player customization, improved analytics, external links and capture forms - great for selling a product or service.

video hosting youtube
Figure: Good example (YouTube) – Educational video targeted at a specific audience, with an aim of driving engagement and high view numbers - Routing in ASP.NET Core 3.0 | 'Tech Tips' @ NDC Sydney 2019

video hosting vimeo
Figure: Good example (Vimeo) – Homepage sales video: since the main goal for this would be to embed it on your website and get clients, you wouldn't be too concerned with hits. As such, Vimeo would be the best choice - Why choose SSW for custom software development?

Raj Dhatt
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