Pre-Production - Do you test technical scripts properly?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] almost 2 years ago.See history

If writing a technical script where you don't have the knowledge to make the final call, it is important to remember that different developers will sometimes have conflicting opinions.

Getting to the end of a video project only to have to go back to the script to make changes is deeply inefficient and creates unnecessary extra workaround. As such, for a technical script to be approved it should be taken for a 'test please' to both the CEO and at least one other developer.

It must be fully approved because changes to the script should not be accepted after the 'test please' has been passed. The developer(s) and the CEO should be made aware that if any changes are requested after the scripting stage it will fall back on them.

Titus Maclaren
Andrew Forsyth
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