Production - Do you know how to start recording with Camtasia?

Last updated by Brook Jeynes [SSW] 8 months ago.See history

Read the tutorial: Learn the Camtasia recording process, complete basic video edits, and successfully share a video.


Follow these steps to start recording using Camtasia:

Windows Display Settings

  1. On the monitor you will be using for your video, set your screen resolution to 1920x1080.

If your screen resolution is too low then it will be difficult for people to follow the video, and you may need to record it again.

screen resolution
Figure: Set your screen resolution as high as possible without exceeding 1920 x 1080

poor resolution screenshot
Figure: Bad example - Screen resolution is set to 800 x 600

good resolution screenshot
Figure: Good example - Screen resolution set to 1920 x 1080


Note: We recommend you use Camtasia 2019 or above.

  1. Start Camtasia and check the following settings:

  2. Test record:

    • Watch back to check audio and video
  3. Prepare what you are talking about:

    • Rehearse your content!
    • Look into the camera when you start, finish, and when you are talking to the audience
    • Be friendly and smile 😊
    • Make sure your introduction is clear, full of energy, and without errors.
    • Keep the energy up, but don’t rush. *TIP: Before recording, take a deep breath.
  4. Record as per: /record-a-quick-and-dirty-done-video
  5. Watch your video back so you can record again if needed.

    • Write edit notes
    • Write the best sections
  6. Copy the source files to the server, as per: /post-production-do-you-know-how-to-structure-your-files

Tip: Alternatively, you can use Loom, which works as a Google Chrome extension.

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