Do you know the right format to display a video time length?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] 6 months ago.See history

The following table shows the right format for writing video time lengths (hours, minutes, seconds) on the web.

Duration Correct format ❌ Bad examples ✅ Good example
Less than 1 minute {{x}} sec 30s / 30secs / 30 secs 30 sec
1 to 59 minutes {{x}} min 25m / 25mins / 25 mins 25 min
1 hour {{x}} hr 60 mins / 1 hour / 1h 00m 1 hr
More than 1 hour {{x}} hr {{x}} min 1h 05m / 1h5min / 1h 5m 10s / 2 hrs 1 hr 5 min / 2 hr


  • "1 h" is also accepted, but we prefer "1 hr"
  • You should ignore seconds for anything longer than 1 minute
  • Although "mins" is a commonly used abbreviation for minutes, you should be aware that it is not correct for scientific use. See when to use "mins" or "min" as an abbreviation for minutes for more information

For a real example of displaying a video time length, see this rule on being a good Product Owner.

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