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Do you know how to set up a Vue.js project?

Last updated by Zach Keeping [SSW] about 1 year ago.See history

Getting started with a Vue.js project is easy. Here's how you can quickly get up and running:

create-vue is the official and recommended tool for scaffolding a Vue.js project. It uses Vite (also from Vue creator Evan You) to help quickly and easily set up a Vue.js project to your specifications.

Note: This requires Node v16 or higher.

  1. In your command line, run:

    npm init vue@latest
  2. This will install and run create-vue. It will then prompt you for a project name and step you through a series of prompts for the features you wish to enable:

    create vue
    Figure: The options provided by create-vue for scaffolding a Vue.js project

  3. When this completes, you're all done! You will now have a Vue.js project set up in a folder matching the project name you set. To get started running a dev server, execute the following:

    cd {{ PROJECT_NAME }}
    npm install
    npm run dev

Vue CLI is the official CLI toolchain for Vue.js development using Webpack. Previously, this was the recommended tool for scaffolding a Vue.js project but is now no longer supported, in favour of create-vue and Vite. Unless your project requires Webpack, it is recommended to use create-vue instead.

Note: This requires Node v8.6.0 or higher.

Scaffolding a project in Vue CLI takes just a few steps:

  1. Install Vue CLI:

    npm install -g @vue/cli
  2. Create a new project using "vue create":

    vue create {{ PROJECT_NAME }}
  3. You will then be presented with a few options. Here you can choose to get up and running using default presets, or you can manually choose what features you want for your project:

    vue cli 1
    Figure: Top-level options when running "vue create" using Vue CLI

    vue cli 2
    Figure: Manual feature selection instead of using a preset in Vue CLI

  4. Once you've selected your options and allowed it to complete, you'll now have a basic Vue.js project set up in a folder matching the project name you entered. You can get a dev server running by executing the following:

    cd {{ PROJECT_NAME }}
    npm run serve
Zach Keeping
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