Do you start and finish on time?

Last updated by Chris Schultz [SSW] 3 months ago.See history

Keeping to your meeting’s timebox shows that you respect your attendees, and allows for you and them to be efficient and able to plan their days effectively. One meeting going over by 30 minutes can have knock on effects for the rest of the day, and a culture of this will create that feeling of “meeting dread” that can be so common.

Always start your meetings on time. Especially for meetings that are regular, as it will teach your attendees that they need to be there from the start, and they will not be waited for.

You can (and should) still have a few minutes of informal conversation at the beginning and end of each meeting, but don’t let it get out of hand.

meetings comic

Announce your arrival

To help get the meeting started on time, you should let other attendees know that you have arrived/joined.

In a Teams meeting, at the scheduled start time you can use the "Request to Join" button in teams.

Go to Meeting | Participants | Request to Join

If the meeting is in person (e.g. at a cafe), you should let other attendees know when you have arrived. Send a Teams message or SMS, e.g.

“I’m here, 10 minutes early. No stress, see you soon.”

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