Do you know the best Unit Testing framework?

Last updated by Brook Jeynes [SSW] 8 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Content is outdated, current unit testing framework options can be found in

When getting started with unit testing, it is important to use the right tools for the job.

bestunittest bad1
Bad Example: MS Test was the default testing library for previous versions of .NET and Visual Studio but lacked many features that were available in more complete tools like NUnit

OK Example: NUnit - For previous versions of .NET, NUnit was the best testing library but required work on the Continuous Integration server to get the unit tests to run in a CI environment. One of the key features that NUnit had that MS Test didn't was the TestCase attribute that allows you to specify inline data to be used when invoking that test

Good Example: XUnit comes out of the box with .NET Core and includes most of the great features of NUnit, while also being supported out of the box with Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services

Adam Stephensen
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